We run specials from time to time. One of our current offers is listed below. If you want to receive updates on our current specials offers.
Show specials will usually get posted here. We have other specials that we announce via our email newsletter (one or two emails per month) and via social media. Each platform gets unique special offers, so if you want to see them all, you should subscribe to the email newsletter and follow us on all of our social platforms.
Current Show/Web Specials
This weekend (May 5th and 6th) we are at the Crossroads of the West gun show at the Reno-Sparks Convention Center in Reno, Nevada. Our currentspecial is:
Single Color pistol slide $75 (plus shipping)
A slide is not considered a firearm so you can ship it to us through the mail and we can ship it back directly to you. Our current turn-around time is two-to-three weeks.
Come by the show and have a look at our color swatches or get in touch and we can figure out what will work best for you.
Subscribing to our newsletter is a great way to stay on top of our latest specials and new services. We send out one or two emails per month including one special offer and an update showing a few of our recent projects.
We don’t like spam any more than you do, so we will never share our email list with anyone. Also you can unsubscribe from the list at any time.
If you’d like to subscribe … use the “Sign up for email updates & deals” form at the bottom of any page on the website.